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5 Components to Writing the Perfect Love Note to Your Husband

on February 3, 2016 by Victoria Osborn 0 comments

By Victoria, Contributing Writer

Last year I wanted to do something that would not only bless my husband but also strengthen our marriage. Having three little ones always around has definitely taken it’s toll on us.

We are tired, exhausted and just plain spent at the end of a long day.

Finding ways to connect with one another and spend quality time together, doesn’t just happen naturally any more. Conversations over dinner are always interrupted by the children needing things or wanting us to listen to them. Then usually by the time we get everyone down for bed, we can barely keep our eyes open long enough to make a daily connection.

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Photo source Trenttsd

I know this season of little ones won’t last forever but I also know that if we don’t take the time to invest in our marriage now we won’t know each other when all of the kids have grown, moved out of the house and it’s back to just being us.

I desire a strong relationship with my husband. I firmly believe that after our relationship with the Lord, our relationship with our husband comes first… even before the children. Afterall, we were wives before we became mothers.

While the early years with children do require a lot of time and energy, we can’t let that be an excuse to not invest into the value of our marriage. When we put our marriages first, everyone in the family is blessed by it.

[Tweet “When we put our marriages first, everyone in the family is blessed by it.”]

Our husbands are blessed when they know they have a wife standing by them, supporting and loving them. And our kids are blessed when they see two parents who are committed and allowing for family stability.

I’m not going to lie, it takes work.

There are some nights when all I want to do is close my eyes and sleep instead of taking the time to connect with my husband. But I also know the rewards that come from a marriage that is put in high priority.

Knowing I’m in a season of raising little ones I’ve had to renew my focus on how to daily connect with my husband. Some days it’s a simple as holding his hand while we drift off to sleep, some days it means just sitting next to one another on the couch at the end of a long day and sometimes it means taking a little bit of extra effort to really meet his love language need.

My husband is a words of affirmation guy, although physical touch is way up there too. Knowing that he feels love and respected through my words, I’ve had to become really focused on how I use my gifts to show him love.

I’m always motivated and encouraged when I read other people’s goals and recap blog posts, it’s why I’ve been doing it on my blog too! For years I’ve been following Crystal, from Money Saving Mom, as she has shared her goal setting progress and accomplishments.

One thing that has always stuck out to me is the amount of love letters she has written to her husband. Some even weekly!

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I don’t know why it never hit me before, with my own love for words and writing, but last year when the light finally went off I knew writing little love notes to my husband would be such an encouragement to him and a simple way for me to shower him with those words he craves to hear.

As I’ve gotten into the habit of writing him love notes and hiding them in his briefcase for him to find throughout his day, I’ve come across a simple template, if you will, of how to structure the perfect love note to your husband.

Writing the Perfect Love Note

A Scripture

Including a short Scripture Bible verse is such a simple way to share that not only do you love him but you also desire for him to love the Lord more too. Just like we try to fill our homes up with Scripture, why not fill our husband’s day up with God’s Word too?

My husband works in a bank and can’t really display a lot of Scripture verses around his office but when I include little pieces of truth from God’s Word in my notes to him, he’s able to hid those words in his heart too.

A Praise

When was the last time you acknowledged something that your husband has done for you and your family? It can be something from the everyday, ordinary category like taking the trash out or loading the dishes into the dishwasher. It can be something big like the time he washed, vacuumed and detailed the van for you.

Writing down those blessings and expressing your thanks and gratitude means the world to him. I know I am so guilty of getting caught up in the daily routines and the list of things that need to get done, that I don’t often stop to thank my husband for his help.

Sharing small ways he has blessed me and the family, and how grateful we are to him really lifts him up. It shows him that I do see and appreciate all of those little things. We are a team at home and even though we have “assigned” chores, it’s always nice to express our gratitude to one another.

A Word of Encouragement

Most of the time we view our husbands as strong, courageous and as the leaders of the family (which they are!) but we don’t often remember to encourage them. When our husbands leave the home everyday they are literally going into the battlefield. Their jobs may be stressful and they may feel the weight of responsibility to support their families.

Take the time to encourage your man! Lift him up and remind him how wonderful and special he is. Use Scripture to encourage his soul. Share with him why you love him and how he is so important to you.

Something Romantic and Flirty

I will never forget the time I sent my husband a simple text of “I love you!” one day. Within five minutes he called me wondering if everything was okay? I realized that in that short exchange of three little words I hadn’t made it a priority to flirt and pursue my husband in a while.

Share a sweet little note of something to make him smile and look forward to coming home to you at the end of the day. 😉 

A Prayer

Finally I like to end my little notes with a little prayer. I pray over his day and for safe travels. A prayer of encouragement for his day or I may even write out a short prayer using the Scripture I include.

If you and your husband are in a rocky place, sometimes just a note with a Bible verse and a prayer can really help on the road recovery as you work on some tough things. When our marriages are rooted in Scripture and prayer, amazing transformation can take place.

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Do you write little love notes to your husband regularly?

Join Me For a Challenge!

One of my goals for 2016 is to focus more on my husband, to have more fun in our marriage, and to make him feel cherished and loved! Together with two of my very favorite bloggers, we will be going through a marriage challenge February 8-March 8th!Get all the details & join in here!

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Are you ready to take some time to focus on your marriage but you don’t know where to start? Do you wish you and your husband spent more time talking, laughing, and having fun together? Three Christian bloggers have come together to give you the ultimate bundle to help you strengthen your marriage! Check out the bundle today (and join our optional Facebook challenge group)!

P.S. We are offering a 100% money back guarantee in case the bundle isn’t what you expected or wasn’t helpful. Now you literally have no reason not to go check it out!


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