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A Fresh Call to Prayer

on January 7, 2015 by Rachel ONeill 0 comments

By Rachel O’Neill, Contributing Writer

Of all the spiritual disciplines, prayer is probably the most neglected in the church today.

A fresh call to prayer for 2015

Prayer meetings are becoming a thing of the past. The few that do remain are often poorly attended.

Many Christians faithfully read their Bibles and frequent worship services, but find it difficult to spend more than a few scattered minutes a day in private prayer. Not many families can be found who pray together regularly.

Yet historically we see that times of revival came when God’s people made a special commitment to prayer.

Several times in the New Testament we are exhorted to pray constantly and without ceasing. An exhortation is a command. Christians are commanded to pray.

Jesus rose early to pray, and often prayed through an entire night. Paul was a fervent man of prayer. The apostles and early Christians are found praying all throughout the book of Acts.

Me personally? I may set aside two or three minutes for prayer before or after reading the Scriptures each morning. I pray over the Word as I’m reading {when I remember}. I might shoot up prayer requests throughout the day as people and needs come to mind. I utter quick prayers of confession and repentance as I am awakened to specific sins in my life.

But truth be told, my prayer life is pretty pitiful. Brief, distracted, irregular and undisciplined.

May I propose prayerlessness as a root of many of our problems in the Church and home today?

Would couples who regularly sought the Lord’s face together be much less likely to divorce? Probably.

Would churches who came together in fervent and meaningful prayer see spiritual growth in their members and conversions in their community? I sure think so.

Would our hearts grow in sincere love for Christ if we communed constantly with Him throughout our days? Yes!

This year, I desperately want to change my prayer life. To make a fresh commitment to seek the Lord’s face, and His presence continually.

Having a committed prayer life might mean waking up earlier or staying up later. It will probably require turning off the t.v, computer, and phone for uninterrupted silence. Yes, there will be sacrifices. But the teensy sacrifices will be working for a far better, eternal, weight of glory.

Will you join me as I commit to regular, intentional prayer in 2014 2015?

May we see the Spirit move in magnificent ways as His Church seeks His face.

This post was originally published on January 3, 2014. 

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